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President Venn Diagram

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Hard to imagine political rhetoric more microtargeted at me than 'I love Venn diagrams. I really do, I love Venn diagrams. It's just something about those three circles.'
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83 days ago
San Luis Obispo, CA
84 days ago
Washington, DC
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2 public comments
84 days ago
Mickey Mouse for president? This classic diagram looks more like Mickey, oh I'm sorry, Minnie Mouse!
84 days ago
I love that this is a fact about our future president.
Greenlawn, NY
84 days ago
It's possible, but seems unlikely. At least in the 2024 election.
84 days ago
You really think Randall is going to be our future president? Are yard signs available yet? I'll take twenty.
84 days ago
Let's make it happen!

Missing From Your Job Description

1 Comment

– Add energy to every conversation
– Ask why
– Find obsolete things on your task list and remove them
– Treat customers better than they expect
– Offer to help co-workers before they ask
– Feed the plants
– Leave things more organized than you found them
– Invent a moment of silliness
– Highlight good work from your peers
– Find other great employees to join the team
– Cut costs
– Help invent a new product or service that people really want
– Get smarter at your job through training or books
– Encourage curiosity
– Surface and highlight difficult decisions
– Figure out what didn’t work
– Organize the bookshelf
– Start a club
– Tell a joke at no one’s expense
– Smile a lot.

I stumbled upon this post again from Seth. Not new. But oh so good.

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403 days ago
San Luis Obispo, CA
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You kinda want an orange favicon. – Chris Coyier

1 Comment

If you want a colored, shaped favicon, you need a color that works on dark and light equally well. Like orange!

You kinda want an orange favicon. – Chris Coyier

Can’t say I disagree with this one!

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610 days ago
Throughtout the years, orange truly has been web design's work horse. Stalwart.
San Luis Obispo, CA
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Stock and Flow

1 Comment

…There are two kinds of quantities in the world. Stock is a static value: money in the bank or trees in the forest. Flow is a rate of change: fifteen dollars an hour or three thousand toothpicks a day. Easy. Too easy.

But I actually think stock and flow is a useful metaphor for media in the 21st century. Here’s what I mean:

Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist.

Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time. …

Read the full article titled Stock and Flow

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619 days ago
i like this
San Luis Obispo, CA
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“A $44 billion version of MySpace.”

1 Comment
The beautiful Twitterific icon, designed by The Iconfactory. Rest in peace.

My longtime friend and former collaborative partner Craig Hockenberry bids a dignified adieu to Twitterific, Twitter, and his mom … and calls for a standards-based universal timeline. — The Shit Show

The post “A $44 billion version of MySpace.” appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.

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636 days ago
"the billionaire bozo"
San Luis Obispo, CA
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Art and collage workshop

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Last week I held a workshop at Konstepidemin (organized by Ace Camp) with nine beautiful and interesting persons. I hope they had as much fun as I did :-)

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865 days ago
i love this
San Luis Obispo, CA
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